Kevin Beyea Wiki

Lifeless Planet

Story driven. Puzzle. Platformer.

Released June 6th, 2014

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Lifeless planet is like most puzzle platformers.

The puzzles are a bit easier than most games, and platforming is like other games except that you have a jetpack which can shoot you up for half a second to cross farther gaps.

The story was about an astronaut who traveled 15 years to a new planet, only to discover that humans had already been there. He tries to find out what happened to them. Apparently Russians found a portal to a new world (the one your on) and tried to harness the planets energy, which they called green fire. It didn't work out and oxygen giving plants started dying out while other life on the planet started to become aggressive. In an attempt to reverse the damage to the planet they took a woman and injected her with plant material making her more plant than human which worked. Where ever she walked, the green fire would come back.

The Russians stopped using the portal because there was a mishap and people died. After a while they no longer saw Russia on the other side of the portal but, a new "alien" city. They assumed it was a city belonging to the portal creators. When you get there you slowly find out what happened as you move through the levels, and the woman (only person left on the planet now) helps you avoid dangers. In the end you find out some plant life that still survived (which is trying to kill you) and she combines it with herself to bring life back to the planet. Finally you learn the plants made the portals on the planet, and the city shown through the portal is actually Earth. Every week on the planet is months on Earth. After hundred of years passed on Earth, the cities became "alien" looking over the centuries. In the end, you walk through the portal, back to a future Earth.

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Lifeless Planet Town
